Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Made These Cards the Other Day But I Could Not Get A Good Picture of Them...Bummer.

(...a couple of details here and here...)

My annoying camera. I couldn't get a shot on the kitchen table - in the daylight - like I wanted to because my camera would just blow it out - like here - so I was forced to try to take them in a dark, dank corner of our not-so-great kitchen floor. Sheesh. Oh well. I thought I might as well show them anyway. I am going to try to take a better photo at some point - promise.

I have given away two of these already. I added in a second color which I am still hemming and hawing about whether I like better or not...I might leave the rest just one color maybe...I am going to shoot for another 5, just enough to have a proper set. I think they are pretty cute! That top one is my favorite. They are really fun to do too - I haven't realized how much I missed drawing. It is nice to have the time to get back to get into it again...I am considering these little projects as just a warm-up and then see if I can tackle some real, bigger drawings, maybe on some nice print-making paper or something so I can use the watercolors when I want...anyway - ideas, ideas...


Anonymous said...

wow - these are lovely...nice work. I am so jealous of the people who received them.

fwuitbowl said...

Thanks Jessica!

Unknown said...

I really like them too. Hope you had fun traveling in March. How's it being back in the states?

Anonymous said...

these are fantastic bree! i really like them too. very nice set.

fwuitbowl said...

Hi Alex! Travelling was great - just what the doctor far bring back has been A.O.K. - taking a break from "work" has been really nice!!

Anna - thanks! I am so glad you like them!


orki said...

lovely drawings! i would buy them. xO

fwuitbowl said...

Thanks O!! You are sweet...!