I really miss the back-to-school shopping bit. Really. My Mom used to take my brother and I to the Bay or Eaton's Department Store and you could get so much for so little! Then we would come home and have a fashion show. It was really fun. And you always felt great for those first few weeks. Everything new and fresh...
I think if I were to go back now I would wear variation of the things above. I am really in that mood lately. Some clunky boots, skinny jeans and a bit of a baggy, wooly top. Not to mention the backpack! Perfect!
A mini-tote! It took me a long, long time. But I think it was worth it. Now I am crossing my fingers that I make more than just one! I think that the next ones will go faster because I kind of worked out some tougher design decisions this first time around. This one is to be given away as a gift, but maybe, if I do come up with some more, I could set up a shop somewhere or something...we shall see...
Here are the specs:
8.5" x 10" - a lunch bag / light cardigan and paperback book bag / wallet, keys and point and shoot camera bag - handsewn from top to bottom and on the handles, features original fabric painting and embroidery, made from hard-wearing soft canvas with straps long enough to wear over your shoulder. Built with love to be used with love.
Good Lord. Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles is the best thing I have watched in a long time. I can't believe the whole thing is on-line! Thanks to Samizdat for tipping me off. I am not kidding - this little documentary has it all: Reyner (sigh...), L.A. of course, Venice Beach, van painting, sculpture, surfing, motels, gas stations, topless girls, pineapple sundaes, Ed Ruscha, the Eames House, bubble letters, beards, shades, bicycles, white suits, palm trees, views from the top of the express ways...it just goes on and on. Reyner is totally a man of my own heart.
This is such a terrific example of someone passionately bringing all sorts of interrelated references together in such a witty, intelligent and entertaining way to drive a point home. Breaking down distinctions between high and low culture, city planning and vernacular architecture and the weightiness of European history versus the American dreams of freedom and lived fantasy...
I love these beautiful patterns by Leanne Shapton. So inspiring! I am a really big fan of her work. I like how she can create so beautifully across the many different but related areas of design, drawing, illustration, art-direction, book publishing and writing. It is great to run across people who are so well-rounded in their chosen career...
Hi! Back in the city after a very quick trip. But nice! Just what I needed. Things are pretty hectic this week - especially since it is a short one for me - so all I have to show and tell at the moment are these photos and a couple of bumpy bus videos over here...
Hello! Just a quick quick post to say that I am taking a little time-out this week. A mini vaction. I will be back next Tuesday and I will hop back to it shortly after that. I hope you all have a lovely week yourselves.
(I may be sneaking around on flickr a little bit and I will probably for sure being spending a bit of time over on my new tumblr account. I hope that wasn't a bad idea. I am already worried about the amount of time I have logged over there - but it is so easy! And fast! Really quick and dirty. Anyway - the link is permanently in my sidebar over there --> way up at the top. And the photos do link back to their source as long as it wasn't something I grabbed so long ago I couldn't remember - just click on the image...)
I handsewed this little canvas change purse the other day. The cotton canvas is really thick and soft. The P-man had some left over from his newest paintings so I snapped it up to use for some little things. I really like how those stripes look! I would like to try to make a bigger tote bag and see what that is like...
Here is a movie I made too if you want to see it in "realer life"...