(..click on images to see full size...)
I submitted these posters for an open call to artists that Showpaper was having back in October - but I guess it is safe to say after all this time that I didn't make the cut! Oh well.
I really kind of like these as a triptych. The first one is a design I originally created as an illustration for an article on Sonia Delaunay for the Worn Journal - I was always looking for a good opportunity to be able to use it again because it got kind of hidden by the text in the article and I think it is super.
The last one was cobbled together with little icons and images I either found or created this summer and was using as little visual totems at the time.
Here are a few other Showpapers that I collected and photographed awhile ago.
Anyway - maybe I will just make posters out of these myself if I ever get a little extra money. We shall see.